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^04 ObjeBiom State II.
they can do, which they do not, they will not do
them; and therefore their Damnation will be juft.
Nay, all their Inability to Good is voluntary, they
will not come to Chrift, John v. 40. They will not
repent, they will die, Ezek. xviii. 51. So they’ll be
ju(lly condemned : Becaufe they will not turn to
God, nor come to Chrift ; but love their Chains
better than their Liberty, and Darknefs rather than
bight, John iii. 19.
ObjetJ. (2.) Why do you then preach Chrift to
us; call us to come to him, to believe, repent, and
ufe the Means of Salvation ? slnj Becaufe it is
your Duty fo to do. ’Xis your Duty to accept of
Chrift, as he is offered in the Gofpel; to repent of
your Sins, and to be holy in all Manner of Con-
verfation: Thefe Things are commanded you of
God ; and his Command, not your Ability, is the
Meafure of your Duty. Moreover, thefe Calls and
Exhortations are the Means, that God is pleafed to
make ufe of, for converting his Elcft, and working
Grace in their Hearts : To them, Faith cometb by
Hearing, Rom. x. 17. while they are as unable to
help themfelves as the reft of Mankind are. Upon
very good Grounds may we, at the Command of
God, who raifeth the Dead, go to their Graves and
cry in his Name, Awake thou that Jleepeft, and a-
rife from the Dead, and Chrift Jhall give thee Light,
Ephef. v. 14. And feeing the Eleft are not to be
known, and diftinguifhed from others before Con-
verfion: As the Sun (hines on the blind Man’s Face,
and the Rain falls on the Rocks as well as on the
fruitful Plains; fo we preach Chrift to all, and fhoot
the Arrow at a Venture, which God himfelf di-
tefts, as he fees meet. Moreover, thefe Calls and
Exhortations are not altogether in vain, even to