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Head III. anfwered. 203
are able to do ; we need no more to favx us trom
IVrath, bur to make our fclves unable for every Du¬
ty, and to incapacitate our fclves tor ferving ot God
any manner of Way, as profane Men frequently
do: And fo the deeper one is immerfed in Sin, he’ll
be the more fecure from Wrath; for where God
can require no Duty ol us, we do not fin in omitting
it; and where there is no Sin, there can be no Wrath.
( As to what may be urged by the unhumbled Soul,
againif the putting of our Stock in Adam's Hand ;
the Righteoufncfs of that Difpenfation was cleared
before.) But moreover, the unrenewtd Man is dai¬
ly throwing away the very Remains of natural A-
biliries; that Light and Strength which are to be
found amongft the Ruines of Mankind. Nay, far¬
ther, he will not believe his own utter Inability to
help hhnfelf ,• fo that out of his own Mouth he will
be condemned. Even thofe who make their natural
Lupotency to Good, a Cover to their Sloth, do, with
others, delay the Work ot turning to God from
Time to Time; under Convictions, make large Pro-
mifes of Reformation, which afterward they never
regard; and delay their Repentance to a Death-bed,
as if they could help rhemfelves in a Moment
which (peaks them to be far from a due Senfe of
their natural Inability, whatever they pretend.
Now if God can require of Men the Duty they
are not able to do; he can in Juftice punifh them for
their not doing it, notwithftanding of their Inabili¬
ty* If he have Power to exatt the Debt of Obedi¬
ence ; he has alfo Power to caft the infolvent Deb¬
tor into Prifon, for his not paying of it. Further,
tho’ irregenerate Men have no gracious Abilities ;
yet they want not natural Abilities, which neverthe-
jef$ they will not improve. There arc many Things