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ij6 Alarm to State II. f
and pleadefi; Mercy: But what is thy Plea founded
on ? There’s not one Proraifc of Mercy or Pardon
in that Covenant. Doft thou plead Mercy, for
Mercy s Sake ? Juftice will ftep in betwixt it and thee;
and plead God’s Covenant-Threatning, which he
cannot deny. (4.) There’s no Place lot Repentance
in this Covenant, fo as the Sinner can be helped by
it. For as foon as ever thou finnelT:, the Law lays
its Curje on thee, which is a dead Weight thou
canil by no Means throw off; no, not tho’ thine
Head were Waters, and thine Eyes a Fountain of
tfears, to weep Day and Night for thy Sin. That’s
what the Law cannot do, in that it is weak through
the Flejh, Rom. viii. 3. Now thou art another
profane Efau, that hath fold the Blefling -, and there’s
no Place for Repentance, tho’ thou feek it carefully
with Tears, while under that Covenant. (5.) There’s
no accepting of the Will for the Deed under this
Covenant, which was not made for good Will, but
good Works. The Miftake in this Point ruins ma¬
ny. They are not in Cbrift, but Hand under the firfi
Covenant and yet they’ll plead this Privilege. This
is juft as if one having made a Fcaft for thofcofhis
own Family, when they fit down at Table, another
Man’s Servant that has run away from his Mailer,
fhould prefumptuoufly come forward, and fit down
among them: Would not the Mafter of the Fcaft
give fuch a Stranger that Check, Friend, bow cam’ft
thou thither? And fince he is none of bis Family,
command him to be gone quickly ? Tho’ a Mafter
accept the good Will «f his own Child, for the Deed,
can a hired Servant exped that Privilege ? (6) Ye
have nothing to do with Cbrift, while under that
Covenant. By the Law of God a Woman cannot
be married to two Husbands at once: Either Death