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Head II. the irregenerate. I75
Now, to give you a View of your Mifery, in this
Refpeft, confider thefe following Things, (t.) Here¬
by ye are bound over to Death, in Virtue of the
Threatning ot Death in that Covenant, Gen. ii. 17.
The Condition being broken, ye fall under the Pe¬
nalty. So it concludes you under Wrath. (2.) There’s
no Salvation for you under this Covenant, but on a
Condition impoffible to be performed by you. The
Juftice of God muft be fatisfied for the Wrong you
have done already. God has written this Truth in
Characters or the Blood of his own Son. Yea, and
you muft perfectly obey the Law for the Time to
come. So faith the Law, Gal. iii. 12. 'The Man
that doth them, (hall live in them. Come then, O
Sinner, fee if thou canft make a Ladder, whereby
thou mayeft reach the Throne of God : Stretch forth
thine Arms, and try, if thou canft fly on the Wings
of the Wind, catch hold of the Clouds, and pierce
through thefe vifible Heavens; and then either climb
over, or break through the Jafper Walls of the City
above. Thefe Things fhalt thou do, as foon as thou
ihalt reach Heaven in thy natural State, or under
this Covenant. (3.) There’s no Pardon under this
Covenant. Pardon is the Benefit of anotherGovenam,
with which thou haft nothing to do. Ails xiii.
39. And by him all that believe are juftified from all
‘things, from which ye could not be jufiified by the
Law of Mofes. As for thee, thou art in the Hand
of a mercilefs Creditor, which will take thee by the
Throat, faying, Pay what-thou owefi; and caft thee
into Prifon, there to remain, till thou haft paid the
utmoft Farthing: Unlefs thou be fo wife as to get a
Cautioner in Time, who is able to anfwer for all thy
Debt, and get up thy Difcharge. This, Jefus Chrift
alone can do. Thou abidcft under this Covenant,