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Head II. a State of JVrath. 159
[3 dines ; and fo it rejefts every Thing he doth as Sm.
-Secondly, It pronounceth his Doom, and denounceth
God’s Curfe againfthim, GW. Hi. ic. For as many as
are of the Works of the Law, are under the Curfe:
For it is written, Curfed is every one that continueth
not in all Things, which are written in the Book of
the Law to do them. Be he never fo yell in the
World, it pronounceth a Woe from Heaven againft
him, Ifa. iii. i r. The Bible is a Quiver filled with
Arrows of Wrath againft him ; ready to be poured
in on his Soul. God’.4 Tbreatnmgs in his Word,
hang over his Head as a black Cloud, ready to
Gower'down on- him every Moment. The Word
is indeed the Saints Security againft Wrath: But it
binds the natural Man’s Sin and Wrath together, as
a certain Pledge of his Ruip, if he continue in that
State. So the Cbnfciencc-being awakened, and
perceiving this. Tie made by the Law, the Man is
filled with Terrors in his Soul.
Thirdly, There’s Wrath in the Hand of God
againft the natural Man. He is under heavy-Sttokes
! of Wrath already, and is' liable to more.
Firjl, There is Wrath on his Body. ’Tis a Piece
of curfed Clay, which Wrath is finking into by
i virtue of the Threatning of the firft Covenant, Gen.
ii. 17. In the Day that thou eatefi thereof, thou Jhalt
j fure'ly die. There is never a Difeafe, Gripe nor
I Stitch, that affefts him ; but it comes on him, with
the Sting of God’s Indignation in it. They are all
Cords ot Death, fent before to bind the Prifoner.
Secondly, There’s Wrath upon his Soul, (i.) He
can have nc Communion with God; he is fooltjb, and
| Jhall not fi and in God’s Sight,Vh\. v. 5. VJ hen Adam
'■ finned, God turn’d him out of Paradife : And na*-
turai Men are, as Adam deft them, banifhed from