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T53 Mans natural State State II.
in the Beloved, Eph. i; 6. But God is angry with ;
the Wicked every Day, Pfal. vii. 11. There’s a Fire
of Wrath burns continually againft him, in the I
Heart of God. They are as Dogs add Swine, moft .
abominable Creatures, in the Sight of Cod. Tho’
their natural State be gilded over with a fhim'ng Pro- j
feflioh, yet they are abhor’d of God ; they are to ]
‘him zs’-Smoke in hrs Nofe, l(a. Ixv. y. and Juke- \
warm ldrater, to bo fpezeed cut .of -his Mmh;-Rev. :
iii. 16. whited Sepulchres, Matth. xxiii. 27. A Ge- |
iteration of Vipers, Matth. xi'i. 34. and a People of l
his Wrath, ffa. x. 6. Secondly, He is difpleafed ’
with. 4^ they Ho ; ’Tis impoffible for them-to-plea>fe !
him, being Unbelievers, Heb; xi. 6. He hates their 1
' Perfons ; and fo hath no Pleafiire in, but is 'dif-
plealed with, their bell Works, Ija-. Ixvi. 6. He
that facrificeth a Lanib'-, ts as if he tilt off-a Dog s \
Heck, &c. Thtir Duty, as done by them, is an
Abomination-to the Lord, Protr xy. 8i And as Men ]
turn their Back on them, whom they are angry ;
with; fo the Lord’s refilling Commmwn with the j
natural Man; in his Duties, is a plain Indication
of this If rath.
â– Secondly, There’s If rath in the fferd of God a- 1
gainll him. When If rath is in the Heart, it feeks I
a Vent by the Lips: So God fights againft the na¬
tural Man with the Sword of’-his Mouth, Rev. ii. j
16. The Lord’s Word never fpeaks Good of him, j
but always curferh and condemneth him. Hence ;j
it is, That when he is aw akened, the Word read i
or preached often encreafeth his Horror. Firfl, It
condemns all his stffions, together with his corrupt
Mature. There is nothing he does, but the Law j
declares it to be Sin. ’Tis a Rule of perfeft Obe- I
^knee, from which he, always, in all Things, de¬
clines 3 <