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Then, matter, and brethren, preferve your great
This lodge, lb majeftic, ftiall purchafe you fafne:
Rever’d it lhall Hand till all nature expire,
And its glories ne’er fade till the world is on fire.
See, fee, behold here what rewards all our toil,
Infpires our genius, and bids labour fmile :
To our noble Grand Matter let a bumper be
To all maforu a bumper, — fo let it go round.
Again, my lov’d brethren, again let it pals.
Our ancient firm union cement with a glafs :
And all the contention Jmong malbns lhall be.
Who better can work, or who better agree/
BY malbns art th’ afpiring dome
In various columns lhall arife;
All cUmates are their native home.
Their godlike a&ions reach the Ikies.
Heroes and kings revere their name,
Whilft poets fing their lafting fame.
Great, gen’rous, virtuous, good, and brave.
Are titles they moft juttly claim ;
Their deeds lhall live beyond the grave,
Which fome unborn lhall loud proclaim.