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probation of that gracious Being vvhofe favour is
better than life.
Let us alfb be abfolutely fixed in the great duty
of fobriety, and not fuffer liquor to get the afcen-
dancy of our reafon : it is reafon, my brethren,
informs us that we are creatures every way adapt¬
ed to, and fitted for fbciety; and that God has gi¬
ven us knowledge and underftanding fuperior to ei¬
ther beings on this habitable globe, who all tend
by a natural impulfe to anfwer in their relpedfive
Ipheres the end of their creation : and /hall the
creatures thus fulfil, with the greateft regularity,
the different purpofes to which Providence afligned
them ? and man, the glory of this lower world,
pervert the gracious defigns of his Creator in ap¬
pointing proper liquids to fatisfy his thirft, and ex¬
hilarate his heart, by abufing the means, and for¬
getting the end of their appointment, ufe them be¬
yond the bounds of moderation, and thereby ren¬
der himfelf equal, I had almoft laid inferior, even
to the beaftly fwine ? Did we but rightly and fe-
rioufly confider ;the many mifehiefs to which this
vice expofeth tfs, we fhould certainly be very cau¬
tious of drinking to excels, well knowing the fa¬
tal confequences which attend it, that it lays our
reafon afleep, and roufes the many, too often,
predominate paffions which difturb the mind of
And whilft we are careful to avoid the fhame-
ful fin of drunkennefs, let us at the fame time