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The proper obfervance and diligent execution of
this part of your duty will recommend you to the
notice of the world in general, and the regard of
this lodge in particular.
Be ye alfo careful, my brethren, to avoid every
aftion which has the leaft tendency to brand you
with the odious name and charafler of a covetous
roan, which our holy brother the apoftle Paul has
with great reafon declared to be idolatry : for
what, my brethren, can be expedfed from the man
who makes gold his hope, and places his confidence
in his riches ? What ! but that he will be deaf to
the cries of the deftitute orphan, and entreaties of
the diftreffed widow : let the contrary difpofition
prevail with us, and let not our charity be circuro-
fcribed within a narrow circle ; but like that glo¬
rious luminary which opens the day, difpenfe its
kindly influence to all around us. Indeed, if we
are good mafons, we cannot be capable of abufing
the means with which Providence has fupplied us
to do good unto all men, as opportunity Ihall of¬
fer, and in a more efpecial manner the miferable
and diftrefied. Thefe are objedti which not only
delerve our commileration, but allb claim relief
at our hands. Let the grand principles of brother¬
ly love, relief, and truth at all times diftinguilh
us in the world, and ever prevail amongft us.
This compaffionate temper cannot fail of obtaining
the love and efteem of ail good and wife men ; and
what is of infinitely greater importance, the ap-