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A general Charge to MafonS.
in amity, and maintain a fair correfpondence, to
be difpofed reciprocally to all offices of humanity,
and to aft upon mutual terms of benevolence,
which are the charafteriftics of Chriftianity, are
likewile the cement of this fociety. And how
good it is to affift, comfort, and relieve the op-
piefled, I need not now obferve. Nor is it lefs
obvious, how plealant it is to contribute to the
innocent delight, and promote the lawful advan¬
tage of one another ; and always to converfe with
fecurity without any the leaft fufpicion of fraudu¬
lent, injurious, or malicious praftices.
Now, in order to cherifh and promote this har¬
mony within doors and without, let us firft lay
hold on the fureft means to flop the mouth of De-
traftion, by endeavouring to lead a pure and un-
blemifhed life. Let us confider, my brethren,
that not the reputation, of one only, but that of
the whole fociety is affefted by a brother’s milbe-
haviour. Invefted as we are with that diftinguilh-
ing BADGE, which at this day is the glory
of the greateft potentates upon earth, we fhould
fcorn to aft beneath the dignity of our profeifion.
Let us then ’walk "worthy of our vocation, and do
honour to our profeffion.
Let us rejoice in every opportunity of lerving
and obliging each other ; for then, and only then
are we anfwering the great end of our inflitution.
Brotherly love, relief, and truth, oblige us not
only to be compaffionate and benevolent, but to
A a adminifter