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C 233 )
XIII. No fon, not even the King’s fbn,
after the death of a father, fhall be deemed
capable, before the age of 21, to take upon
him the charge of his father’s family; but
that charge may be tranfmitted by tefta-
ment to fome kinfman ; and in default of
teftament on the King’s part, the kinfman
is to be chofen by the King’s counfellors y-
or if a fubjedt, the neareft of kin, he being
compos mentis. The eldeft fon of the King,-
a noble, or honourable, is of right, and if
habile, to inherit the power, lands and ho¬
nours, of the father, as the father came to
them, or even if he has added to them;
yet it may be in a father’s power to divide
what moveable goods or wealth he may in
his own time have acquired, amongft his
' other offspring, according to their deferts:
but if the father himlelf has made no fuch.
divifion, the offspring muft inherit equally.
So it may be with others who have no chil¬
dren •, they may, by a laft will, bequeath
their moveable riches to whom they pleafe
but in default, the neareft of kin to inherit
as an eldeft fon, who may neverthelefs be
adjudged by the King or judge of the (hire
to difpenfe with a reafonable proportion out
of his eftate, to prevent others who are in
the fame kinfhip, and cannot earn a liveli¬
hood, from being beggarly, or a difcredit
to the family.
X 3 XIV. No