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VI [. A wife may not be puniflied for a
huiband’s crime i but a hulband fhall be
pumfhed for the crime of his wife, if he
knew of it: if it be a concubine, ftie fliall
be punilhed as the man,
VIII. All oppreffors, or invaders of other
men’s lands, fliall be beheaded.
IX. All vagabonds and idle perfons fliall
be, in the firfl: place, marked with a burn
on the cheek ; and if they perfevere in idle-
nefs, they may be whipt, or even hanged.
X. If any fon injure his parents by word'
or deed, he fliall firfl; lofe either tongue,
hand, or foot, whereby he offended the pa¬
rent, and then be hanged, and his body
remain unburied,.
XL If a parent contradi&s nature, and
caufelefsly is cruel to his fon; the fon muft
feek redrefs from the King, or the udge of
the fliire.
Xil. Any fon who may be difloyal to the
King, or to his parent, who has been, or
may be born dumb, deaf, or foolifh, may
be diflnherited.