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jealoufies; and the Englijh troops returned
to their own kindom with the fatisfa&ion of
having been inftrumental, without the lofs
of a man, of re-eftablilhing their neigh¬
bouring nation in a ftate of tranquillity un¬
known to them for many years; leaving
behind them* as well as carrying with them*
an early proof of the great utility of a cor¬
dial union between fo near neighbours,
when combined in the great caufe of liberty
and juftice.
A day was named for the coronation
of Malcolm at Sccon; and at his earneft in¬
treaties, his grandfather and the noble Ed¬
mund were prevailed upon to be witnefifcs
of the folemnity. The day appointed came,
and immediately after Malcolm had taken
the coronation oath, the venerable Thane
of Argyle delivered himfelf to this effect :•
‘ 1 truft in God, my Sovereign Liege,
‘ that the virtues of your own conftitution,
‘ more than the dreadful example of your
4 wicked predecefTor, will guide you a-
‘ gainft all the errors of the paft reign:
« with the regal dignity, .you are invefted
‘ with the difpofal of places of profit, of
« power and oi honour: be thel'e bellowed
‘ without partiality ; let the weight of me-
« nt, not the chance of birth, be intitled
» to preference in the purchafe. Society
4 was inflituted by heaven, and a defire & r