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C 221; )
tranfport of dcfponclency, flung hcrfelf over*
the wall of one of the ramparts. Malcolm*
ordered both their bodies to be decently
buried, in refped: to the families they had
the honour to be fprung from ; but their
heads, that the memory of their wicked-
nefs might ferve as an antidote to pofterity,,
were exhibited to public view upon two
fpears eretled on the top of a high tower;
and between them there was railed the fi*
gure of a ferpent with a double head, each
head inclining to thofe of the vi&ims, as if
hifling, and equally directing its baneful;
influence at both of them. His adherents,
excepting fuch as, through their refiftance,,
were flain, were all made prifoners., A
court extraordinary was ordained to try
them, when Malcolm was gracioufly pleafecf
to remit the crime of rebellion, and to de¬
clare thofe. only condemnable to fuffer.'
death, againft whom there were feparate •
proofs of murders, rapes, or other violent
depredations-, an example of juflice tem¬
pered with a clemency worthy the imitation i
of more enlightened ages.
Never was fo fudden a revolution ac-
complilhed with fo little bloodfhed, nor
was there ever a reftoration of right with,
more univerfal applaule. The unanimity
which governed the Englijh and i Scottijh
Chiefs, prevented the leaft tendency to>
U 3j jt;aloufies ;;