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lead us on to the glorious enterprize! But
k is ufelefs to wafte time to inftigate you
you feel as warmly as I do; but you muft
forgive the overflowings of a friend’s heart,
who by one effort of the Tyrant’s barbarity,
was beggared ! difhonoured! widowed !
and rendered childlefs ! Yours and our
country’s wrongs may, and, by the help of
God, they will be redreflfed; but mine,
alas! never can ; O my wife ! O my child¬
ren !’ The fenfible heart of Edmund was
ready to burft, on perceiving the manly
anguifh which thus overcame the gallant
Macduff-, when Glamis, by a feafonable in¬
terruption of the growing diftref's, gave a
turn to the woeful fubjed:, by recommend¬
ing to Macduff’s attention the illuftrious
Edmund, and relating fome of his exalted
The Duke of Northumberland had taken
the advantage of the halt to pafs through
Weftmoreland, and thence into his own coun-
try, to give the neceffary orders in thofe
parts; and propoied only to rejoin the army
at Carlijle for which place they next day
continued their march, under the command
of Malcolm: and now coufiderable rein¬
forcements from the Scotch fide were adding
every hour to their ftrength, when the van
arrived at Carlijle. The Duke entered it
the fame day at the head of 1500 Northum¬