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world with pleafure fettle his accounts with
Heaven, and pray unwearied for their fuc-
cefs and profpenty. It was even with diffi¬
culty, that the pious tears of his daughter,
enforced with the perfuafive eloquence of
the amiable Bertha, could prevail with him
to poftpone his felf-feclufion, that he might
by his company mitigate a little of that tire-
fomenefs which they were willingly to fuffer
during the abfence of their Lords. To
their folicitations, however, at length he
yielded ; and every thing being now as
much lettled at the houle of Edmund, as,
under fuch interefting circumftances, could
poffibly be, a very affedting tarewcll fepa-
rated the different parties;
In a few days our patriots arrived at
Lancajler, and with their fquadron joined
the main body. Never was there a more
cordial meeting than now felicitated the
hopeful Chieftans : Malcolm, with joy un¬
utterable, welcomed his venerable friends,
the Thanes of Argyle and Giamis-, and
Macduff, unable to confine his tranfport,
interrupted even the greetings of his King:
‘ Thrice welcome (cried he) my noble fellow
fufferers! Let me congratulate you and my-
felf on the eminent profpedl now prei'ented
to us of chaftifing a long exerted tyranny
and oppreffion over a groaning country!
What unexampled excitements have we to