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to fupport Malcolm through the difficult
operations he had undertaken ; and, as the
firft proof of his being in earneft, he iflued
immediate orders to forbid Monteith,. or
any other on the part of Macbeth^ to enter
the court of England *, and further ordered,
that Monteith fhould retire from England
within three days. Nothing now remain^
ing to obftrudt our lolicitations at the court
of Edward^ five thoufand chofen men were
muftered, and put under the command of
the Duke of Northumberland) who, accom¬
panied by Malcolm, are actually on their
march hither, that they may be joined by
an equal number of borderers; and as foon
as completed, they have orders to proceed
dire<5Uy for Scotland: upon entering that
kingdom, Malcolm is to be proclaimed
King, to fet up the Scotch ftandard, and
then to have the command of the whole,
as well Englijh as Scotch. It would be tor¬
turing language to fearch for words, to ex-
prefs the joy that now appeared in every
face, when Mr. Hamtcn had finiffied his
interefling relation •, and a few days more
added to it a very affecting circumftance.
It fhould have been fboner obferved, that
the generous Edmund) imp: cnt to ccn-
fummate the felicity of his rd .aired guefts,
had freighted a fmallveffel. and diipatched
her to Ila, there to make inquiry after the
’ venerable