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C 209 >
to fcreen himfelf from fo dangerous a re-
fentment: and at this very jundhire he kept
one of the moft politic of his creatures,
whom he had dignified with the title of
Thane of Monteith, as his reprefentative in
England for that purpofe. Monteith, who
was extremely artful, was a conftant fpy
upon every motion of Malcolm's \ and hav¬
ing traced him in his mofl: fecret interviews
with Macduff; and eafily guefiing at their
purpofe, took care to get Macduff repre-
fented to the court of England in fuch a
diladvantageous light, as to weaken his
applications. But in the height of thefe
difficulties, I happened to arrive, and
brought to Macduff the firft account of the
woeful barbarities which had been perpe¬
trated in his family. With what heart¬
rending horrors did he hear the ffiocking
tale f He flew to Malcolm, whofe generous
heart was no lefs penetrated with the fad
relation than his own. Malcolm taking
Macduff and mylelf alongfl; with him, went
immediately to court, demanded and ob¬
tained an audience of Edward-, before whom
I was examined i and producing other well
authenticated vouchers of every circum-
ftance of the fatal cataftrophe, foeffedually
awakened fympathy and refentment in the
foul of good King Edward, that he inftantly
refolved, maugre all other confiderations,
T 3. to