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felf as judge, but leave it to the more im¬
partial inquiry of a council.
‘ In the mean time he returned to the
chamber in which he had locked up-the
wretched bietta \ fhe had now recovered
Ibme fenfe of her lamentable condition,
and at fight of him Ihe fent forth fuch a
difmai ihriek, as even ftruck his> own
hardened foul with terror ! hepraye l that
for her own fake fhe would be patient for
a moment, vowed that the ardour of his
pafiion, and the coldnefs with which fhe
had treated him, urged him to commit
what he had done, and what his own
confcience blamed him forBut be not fo
much furprifed, my dear Inetta, continued
he v your virtuous brother had this
fame night the like defign againft the
honour of the Queen and which nothing
could have prevented the perpetration of,
but that Ihe having more the foul of a man,
than of a woman, had refolution, by
means of his own dagger, to proted her
perfon and my honour from the meditated
affault! Such, fuch, fays he, is the irrefift-
able power of real love, that it will break
through every barrier of obftrudion ! Re¬
concile yourfelf then, thou loveliefi: of thy
fex, to what is paft my whole life fhall
be fpent in making you reparation for
what you have fuffered j and if you can