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* The inhuman Queen had no fooner
finiflied the murder o£ Bancho, than fhe
jumped from the bed and fcreamed out fp
vehemently, thatlhe foon aroufedtheneigh-
b )uring ladies of her bed-chamber,, and
even the more remote guards ; flie counter¬
feited a fort of diftradion to a nicety, and
in thal condernation' the King entered,
while madam was pouring forth inveftives
a gain it the hfelefs Bancbo^ for having made
a daring attempt, to rob her of her virtue,
and todifhonour the King’s bed ; which no¬
thing, fhe faid, could have prevented, but
by a leeming compliance, to wait the op¬
portunity of his laying afide the dagger
which he had held drawn at her bofom,.
quickly to fnatch it up, and inflantly to
plunge it into his ! She difTembled this
affair fo-well, that fhe had already gained
over both the attendants and guards into ■
a belief of the fa£f, as fhe related it.
MacbethhowcYtr pretended not only, the
laft furprize, but appeared as if extremely
unwilling to credit fuch an imputation:
againft his couflnt Rancho *, he ordered that
a council fhould be called to meet within
three hours j that the Queen, with all thofe
perlbns who at hrft were witneffes of the
fit nation, fhould attend; for that in aquef-
tion where the parties were fo nearly con-
ne&ed with him, he won It}, not trufb him-