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( S6 )
was by the appearance of a very formidable
fleet in the Frith of Forth^ under the com¬
mand of Sweno king of Norway himfelf,
and who, without any interruption, had
made good a landing on the coall of Fife.
Macbeth, as the moft adtive, and now the
mofl powerful perfon about court, was
quickly commiflioned to make a tour thro’
the moft popular counties, with a general
fummons for all degrees of men to attend
the King’s ftandard, in defence of their
country, their families, lives and fortunes :
this fervice he performed with great expe¬
dition and fuccefs. In the mean time, the
King, with Bancho, were to endeavour,
with what force they could haftily get to¬
gether, and the reinforcements which came
daily from fdacbeth, to advance towards
the enemy, and to keep them in play by
fkirmifhing, in order to gain time. But
the King, who icon tired of adtion, did
not know exadtly the ftrength of the Nor¬
wegians, and who placed an unreafonable
confidence in the prowefs of his handful of
men, infifted, contrary to the advice of
Bancho, to advance, and hazard an engage¬
ment, rather than fuffer the enemy to pene¬
trate into the heart of the kingdom, as the
Fanes had done in England. Accordingly
he gave them battle ; and although Bancho,
both by condudt and bravery, diftinguiflied