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moft agreeable to them, and to tranrport
the reft to other places •, he prepared to re¬
embark his army.
‘ During thefe tranfaiftions in Skie, Bati-
tho had fubdued, more by treaty than by
conqueft, the Chiefs of Cnithnefi, Suther¬
land and Nairn, who having feen all chance
cut off of any communication with the Mac-
dualds, were very ready to fubmit to any
terms which Bancho fhould demand; and
accordingly, to prevent his farther incurfions
upon them, they, at his defire, fent him-
hoftages, as a fecurity for their inoffenfive
conduit during the fpace of twelve months.
‘ Bancho waited the arrival of Macbeth
at Invernefs, from whence they both pro¬
ceeded to the Court, then at St. Johnftoun,
or Perth, and were welcomed with every
mark of approbation. They had enjoyed
but a few days of congratulation, when a
more ferious affair demanded their atten¬
tion, and required the united wifdom, as
well as ftrength, of the whole kingdom, to
form an oppofition to. The Danes had
lately invaded England, and, unknown to
the Court of Scotland, it had been at the
fame time concerted. That, to prevent the
Scotch from affording any afliftance to
England, the Norwegians ftiould, about
the fame time, make an attempt upon Scot¬
land \ and the firft notice of their arrival
I was