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C 59 )
uncommon, tho’ prudential, goodnefs, in
not expofing you to the juft refentment of
her injured Thane ? Oh! how it provokes
me to think you could imagine, that this
ring, with fome other paultry prefents
which you made me, was intended to bribe
me, either to betray my lady’s honour, or
accufe her of a crime her foul abhors !”—
The exafperated Thurfoe could hold no
longer, but vehemently interrupted her
with,—“ Thou monfter of a woman ! is it
poftible that fo much impudence and guilt
can meet in one perfon ? Was it not you
who informed me of the aflignation, on the
fatal night which brought me to difappoint
Macbeth, and fave the honour of my friend P
and had you not my gold for the intelli¬
gence?” “ True, Sir, (anfwered flie)
I had your gold, and will keep it too; but
won’t you blufli when I dare tell you, in
prefence of my Lord, that it was given to
entice me to let you enter filently the gar¬
den door, becaufe you knew the Thane was
abfent ? and becaufe I knew, that if I afled
fuch a foul part, 1 ftiould for ever forfeit
the favour, both of my Lord and Lady, I
tried to put you off the fcent, by telling
you, that Macbeth, whom I was fure you
feared and hated, fometimes amufed him-
felf in an evening behind thefe walls, with
fome damfels unknown to me; but which