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“ The difcovery, my dear Bella, which
you made to me fome week ago, of your
lady’s intrigue with Macbeth, has lain fo
heavy on my confcience, that I could not
reft until I had acquainted my honoured
friend with the fedudlion of his wife, and
the difhonour of his bed, by the treachery
of that worthlefs man!—The lady of Kyle
is indeed a tempting obje£t; in the beau¬
ties of perfon, llie’s an angel! What pity
it is, that Ihe was not alfo heavenly in her
mind and manners ? It is you, my faithful
girl, that can beft farther inform the noble
Thane with what truths, touching his lady’s
infidelity, it now lb much concerns him to
The maid, without the leaft fymptom
of fear, or change of countenance, refent-
fully replied, “ Surely, Sir, you are mad,
and know not what you fay ! Is it like a
man of noble blood, by fuch bafe and un¬
generous afperfions, to revenge your flighted
love, by accufing the virtuous Anabella of
being guilty with another, becaufe Ihe de-
teftedyou? What injufticeis it to deny to her
other beauties, that firmnefs of mind, of
which you have had fuch full experience,
by her preferring the fettled and fincere
affe&ions of her aged Lord, to the lefs fo¬
lk!, but vicious addrefles of a debauched
youth ? Is this a generous return for-her