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( $5 )
lady had employed every addreis to fmo*
ther his awakened fufpicions, and that it
was not now accounted very creditable to
be in any fort of connections with the young
Caithnefs •, yet that natural anxiety, which
is ever the concomitant of jealoui'y, very
much difpofed the unfatjsfied Kyk to ad¬
mit of Thurfoe's vifit. Anabella happened
to be with her Thane when the meffage
was delivered; and although fhe fhrewdly
fufpedted what was to be the purport of it,
yet her prudence dire&ed her not to inter¬
fere in the anfwer, nor to appear to be in
the leaft affe&ed with the meffage : on the
contrary, fhe affumed an unufual gaiety,,
and by every poflible artifice;, laboured to-
prepoflefs her hufband with the moft fa¬
vourable opinion of her fidelity. In the
mean while, fhe was not without the moft
uneafy cogitations: fhe could not doubt,
but the incenfed 'Thurfoe^ from refentment
of flights from her, and the difgrace he
had fuffered by the hand of AUchetb,
would provoke him to do them both every
mifchief his envenomed mind could con¬
trive-, but ftill fhe flattered herfelf, that
unlefs he had corrupted her maid, who was
fingly in the fecret of the aflignation in
queftion, he could not fuftain any allega¬
tions againft her, with the fmalleft degree
of evidence. She was unwdling to tax