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family. This rafh refolution was but too
agreeable to the hot temper of the young
Caitbnefs, he hoping thereby not only to
revenge himfelf on the lady’s partiality and,
negledk of him, but to excite fuch a jea-
loufy into Kyk^ as fhould roufe his revenge
againft the man who had wronged his bed
and honour, to fuch a height, as might
induce him to put fome plot in execution,
to deftroy the author, and thereby defeat
the force of what he was afraid fhould
come out agatnft him at the appointed-
trial: And hilly, that it would probably
carry over Kyle to the Caithnefs intereil,,
when he fhould be convinced that the
fpoiler of his honour was himfelf not only,
attac hed to the Rcflian party, but in this
cafe fupported with all their power.—
Thurfoe therefore, without waiting a per¬
fect recovery, fent a mefikge to the Thane
of Kyle, intimating ah intention to wait
upon him the following morning, having,
bufinefs of the lad importance to his repu¬
tation and honour to communicate. An
affair which had made fo much noife at
court, could now be a fecret to no body,
and every one had, from curioiity, been
inquifitiye into the hrft caufe of the ren¬
counter. Amongft others, Kyle himfelf
had heard whifpe-s, which couM not be
very agreeable to him j and although his