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Quite vex’d was I, but onward stroll'd
To a cigar shop near,
With the mistress I made rather bold,
I knew of nought to fear.
But her husband came, and spoil’d my fun,
To the door he made me steer,
With, “ It’s all very well, Mister Fergcson,
But you really won’t lodge here.”
Tiddy, etc.
1 thought the fates sure had conspired
To keep me out all night,
I felt, too, most confounded tired,
When an open door came in sight.
1 enter’d and up stairs did run,
Krom the bed rooms was kick’d clear,
With, “ It’s all very well, Mister Ferguson,
But you really don’t lodge here.’’
Tiddy, &c.
But here my troubles did not end,
The housekeeper enraged,
Poor I to the station-house did send,
So nicely 1 was caged.
I dosed, but still could not sleep on,
For the rogues kept up the jeer,
“ It’s all very well, Mister Ferguson,
But you really can’t sleep here.”
Tiddy, etc.
At day-break with a golden key
I open’d the prison door;
Oh a lodging any where for me,
But there I’ll lodge no more.