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A foolish saying lias now the run.
Repeated every where,
“ It’s all very well, Mister Ferguson,
But you really don’t lodge here.”
Tiddy tol lol, etc.
I could not guess what harm I’d done,
That where’er I chanced to roam
All seem’d to wish—yes, every one,
That 1 bad stay’d at home.
They bawl’d my name, and cried'with fun,
When I happened to appear ;
“ It’s all very well, Mister Ferguson,
But you really can’t stop here.”
Tiddy, eto.
The other day to town I came,
And to a tavern went ;
To sup and sleep it was my aim,
Indeed my fixed intent ;
So a bod of course, I ordered one.
But was answered with a sneer ;
“ It’s all very well, Mister Ferguson,
But you really can’t lodge here.”
Tiddy, etc.
I wondered how my name they knew,
But on again I hied,
And had not rambled far, ’tis true,
Ere another Ion I spied!
But to ascend the steps I’d scarce begun.
When these words assail’d my ear ;
“ It’s all very well. Mister Ferguson,
But you really can’t lodge here.”
Tiddy, etc.