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I am grown ft ale, as vulgar to the fight,
As fun by day, or moon and ftars by night.
Oh, curfe of crowns! Oh, curfe of regal power !
* Learn you, that would fuch pageantry adore,
* Truft whining faints, the cunning harlot’s tears,
‘ And liften when the perjur’d lover fwears;
‘ Believe the fnake that woman did delude,
* But never, never truft the multitude. \Shout hcret-
‘ Ccc. Run, and proclaim the Queen’s commands to allr
* On penalty of death, they ceafe this (houting.
* £>u. El. No, let them ftun me, kill me; yet, vil©
‘ Ye (hall have her ye long for, in my throne;
‘ Falfe Queen ! you (hall enjoy your fifter’s crown ;
‘ But it (hall be with flings of fcorpicns guarded j
‘ And a worfe plague to thee, than mine is now ;
‘ It (hall be in the Tower, there thou (halt fing
‘ Thy Siren’s fong, and let them (liout in anfwer : do i
‘ I’ll teach ye how to flatter and betray
‘ Run, feize the Queen, like lightning ftrait obey.
‘ [Offers to go out and comes again.
* Where wou’dft thou go l Where would thy fury drive
‘ What has my fifter, what has Mary done ? [thee i
‘ Muft Are be punch’d for my fubjedls* crimes ?
‘ Pe'rhaps (he’s innocent of all this joy,
* And bears the found with greater pain than I.
‘ Where (hall I wander? In what place have reft!
* The cottage floor with verdant ruflies ftrewn,
4 Is eafier than a wretched monarch’s throne. [Shout here?
Eav. The Queen is juft on entrance.
Vu. El. Does it pleafe ye ?
Behold (he comes, meet, and condu£l her in ;
Why (lay you here ? Each do his office ftrait,
Andfet her in my place; my crown prefent her,
And with your hollows echo all the rabble.
The deed is done, that Mary is your queen :
4 But think not to be fafe, for when I am dead,
4 Swift as on dragon’s wings from high I’ll fall,
4 And rain down royal vengeance on you all.’ [Exeunt.
Enter %ucen Mary, Dowglas, two Gentlemen, four Ladies.
S>u.M. Come, poor remainder of myloft eftate,
Once I was ferved in pomp, had many friends,