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El. Proceed ; did they not drive to give thee way ?
Not for my fake, nor for my dignity and place ?
Dav. Alas ! ’twas pad their power! I might as well
Oppofe my bread againd a guflbng torrent,
Or driven the ocean from its deep abode,
As dem the multitude—but mark what followed ;.
For this was but the curtain to the fcene.
You look difpleas’d, I-doubt I’ve laid too much.
And fear I’ve done them wrong,.
£%u. El. I’ll hearj go on.
Dav. The Queen no fooner did appear, but drait
The obedient croud Ihrunk back at her command,.
‘ Making a line to guard on every fide ;
*■ Not Aiolus with his commanding breath,.
* Did the unruly wavesTo foon controul,
4 As die with her mild looks the rout difpers’d.*
ght. El. ’Tis well; and what am I, ungrateful people ?
Zht-v. But when Ihefpoke, they hung like cluder’d grapes.
And cover’d all her chariot like a .vine;
‘ The loaded wheels, thick'as the dud they hide,
4 And fwarm’d like bees upon her coach’s dde.
4 Matrons and virgins in her praifes fung ; .
‘ Whilft tuneful bells in grateful changes rung;
4 All harmony from difcord feetn’d to dow,
* And ftiouts from,tops of towers, meet fliouts below;
Nutfes, when they with joy, her face had feen,
4 Would, pointing to their children, diew the Queen :
‘ Whild they (ne’er learn’d to talk) for her would try,
* And the fird word they fpoke, would Mary cry.’
igu. EL ’Tis falfe ; thou wrong’d my fubjefts,
They durd not4o this! Durd net, did I fay ?
My people would not. [Sboutbere.
What’s this I hear?
Are thefe the perjur’d (laves, that at my. fight.
Have left their callings, young men left their (ports,
‘ The old, theirerutches too would fling away,
* And halt to fee my face ?’ The bridegroom at the altar.
That had his bride by th’ hand, at my approach,
Left the unfinifli’d rites to fee me pafs,
And made his eager-hopes wait on his Queen.
I)av. And there are millions yet, that fo would do.
9u. EL No, I’m forgot; a new thing ha? their hearts:
3 lam