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y4 M P HI T RT 0 N.
liad not enter’d fo eafily, [Gripusixftealing off.
• Whither now, Gripus? I have bufmefs for
you: if you offer to dir, you know what follows.
Enter followed by Tranio and Polydas.
flip. Who dares to play the matter in my houfe?
What noife is this, that calls me from above,
Invades my foft recefs, and privacy.
And, like a tide, breaks in upon my love?
Amph. O heav’ns, what’s this I fee 1
Tran. What prodigy !
Polyd. How, two Amphitryons!
Grip. I have beheld the appearance of t^o funs;
But ftill the falfe was dimmer than the true;
Here both (hine out alike.
Amph. This is a light, that like the Gorgon’s
Runs through my limbs, and ftiffens me to ttone.
I need no more enquire into my fate:
For what I fee, refolves my doubts too plain.
Tran. Two drops of water cannot be more like.
Polyd. They are two very fames.
Merc. Afide-2 Our Jupiter is a great comedian ;
he counterfeits moft admirably: fure his priefts
have copied their hypocrify from their matter.
Amph. Now I am gather’d back into myfelf.
My heart beats high, and pulhes out the blood
[Drawing his /word.
To give me juft revenge on this impottor.
[To the guards.
If you are brave, aflift me. Not one ftirs.
What, are all brib’d to take th’enchanters part ?
’Tis true, the work is mine; and thus.
[Going to rujh upon Jupiter; and is held by
Tranio and Polydas.
Polyd. It mutt not be.
Jup. Give himjiis way; I dare the madman’s
H But