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to be very gracious; without pufliing matters to
Pbaed. I over-heard it all: But give me livery
and feifm of the goblet, in the firftJ place.
Merc. There’s an aft of oblivion Ihould be pafs’d
Pbaed. Let him begin to remember quarrels,
when he dares; now I have him under my girdle.
I’ll cap verfes with him to the end of the chapter, i
Enter Amphitryon and guards.
Ampb. (to Gripus.) At the laft I have got pof-
fellion without your lordftiips warrant: Phaedra,
tell Alcmena I am here.
Phaed. I’ll carry no fuch lying meffage: you
are not here, and you cannot be here: for, to my
knowledge, you are above with my lady, in the
Ampb. All of a piece, and all witchcraft! An- •
fwer me precifely; doll thou not know me for
Amphitryon ?
Pbaed. Anfwer me firft: did you give me a dia¬
mond, and a purfe of gold ?
Ampb.- Thou know’ll I did not.
Pbaed. Then, by the fame token, I know you
are not the true Amphitryon : if you are lie, lam
fure I left you in bed with your own wife : now
you had bell ilretch out a leg, and feel about for a
fair lady.
Ampb. I’ll undo this enchantment with my
fword; and kill the forcerer,- Come up, gentle¬
men, and follow me. [To the guards. ;
Pbaed. I’ll fave you the labour, and call him
down to confront you, if you dare attend him.
[Exit Phaedra. :
Merc. Afide."] Now the fpell is ended, and Ju¬
piter can enchant no more ; or die Amphitryon \