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l god ; and I put in. for a brace, or a leafe; no,
jiow I think on’t, it was for ten couple of gods, to
nake fure of plenty.
When did I give thee this pretended com-
miflion ?
1 Sof. Why you gave me this pretended commiffi-
*n, when you were juit ready to give my lady the
iddles and a dance ; in order, as I fuppofe, to your
tecond bedding.
Amp. Where, in what place, did I give this
I Sof Here, in this place; in the prefence of
his very door, and of that balcony j and if they
ould fpeak, they would both juftify it.
Amp. O heaven ! thefe accidents are fo furpriz-
ipg, that the more I think of ’em, the more I am
ipft in my imagination.
j Grip. Nay, he has told us fome paflages, as he
jame along, that feem to furpafs the power of
' jfature.
i Sof. What think you now, my lord, of a certain
^ivin brother of mine, called Sofia ? ’Tis a lly
»outh : pray heaven you have not juft fuch ano-
lier relation, within doors, called Amphitryon.
|t may be it was he, that put upon me, in your
■ mkenefs: and perhaps he may have put fomething
jpon your lordlhip too, that may weigh very heavy
■I pon the forehead.
’ Amp. to thofe ivho hold him. Let me go—
ofia may be innocent, and I will not hurt him:—
Jpen the door j I’ll refolve my doubts immedi-
: Sof. The door is peremptory, that it will not be
ipened without keys: and my brother, on the in-
. ;de, is in pofTelfion ; and will not part with ’em.
Amp. Then ’tis manifefl that I am affronted ;
reak open the door there.