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I beg you let me go
[/j going to beat him, and is held by j -1
Polydas and Tranio.
Sof. I charge you in the king’s name, hold him j
fall; for you lee he’s bloodily difpos’d.
Grip. Now, what hall, thou to lay for thyfeif, |
Sofia ?
Sof. X fay, in the firil place, be fure you hold ' *
him, gentlemen; for I lhall never plead worth one
farthing, while I am bodily alfraid.
Polyd. Speak boldly; I warrant thee.
Sof. Then, if I may fpeak boldly, under my ,
lord’s favour, Ido not fay he lyes neither: no, I
am too well bred for that: but his lordlhip fibbs j ?
moll abominably.
Pmp. Do you hear his impudence ? yet will you | S
not let me go?
Sof. No impudence at all, my lord: for how !
could I, naturally fpeaking, be in the balcony,
find affronting you ; when at the fame time I was in I*
every llreet of Thebes, inviting thefe gentlemen h
to dinner?
Grip. Hold a little: how long lince was it that |
he fpoke to you, from the faidbalcony?
Amp. Juft now; not a minute before he brought f
you hither.
Sof. Now fpeak my witnefles.
Grip. I can anfwer for him, for this laft half: 1
Polyd. And I.
Tran. And I.
Sof. Now judge equitably, gentlemen ; whether I,f
I was not a civil well-bred perfon, to tell my lord ;:
he fibbs only.
Amp. Who gave you that order, to invite ’em? 1
Sof. He thatbeft might; yourfelf: by the fame :
token, you bid old Bromia provide and ’twere for ■