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f thou haft any bufmefs here, difpatch it quickly;
have no leafure to throw away upon fuch pratling
Amp. Thy companion, flave ? How dar’ft thou
ufe this infolent language to thy mafter!
Merc. How ! Thou my mafter ? By what title ?
never had any other mafter but Amphitryon.
Amp. Well: and for whom doft thou take me ?
Merc. For fome rogue or other; but what rogue
t know not.
> Amp. Doft thou not know me for Amphitryon,
flave !
Merc. How ftiould I know thee, when I fee thou
Soft not know thyfelfl thou Amphitryon ? In what
tavern haft thou been ? And how many bottles did
Shy bufinefs, to metamorphofe thee into my lord ?
Amp. I will, fo drub thee, for this infolence.
[ Merc. How now, impudence! are you threat-
jiing your betters! I Ihould bring you to condign
pumlhment, but that I have a great refpeft for the
good wine, though I find it in a fool’s noddle.
Amp. What, none to let me in? Why P bee dr a!
Br -mia f
| Merc. Peace, fellow; if my wife hears thee, we
1 tre both undone. At a word, Phcedra and Bromia
Ire very bufie; one in making a cawdle for my
’ady; and the other in heating napkins, to rub
: Sown my lord, when he rifes from bed.
: Amp. Amazement feizes me.
1 Merc. At what art thou amaz’d ? My mafter and
ny lady had a falling out, and are retirM, with-
jut feconds, to decide the quarrel. If thou were
lot a meddtefome fool, thou would’ft not be
hrufting thy nofe into other peoples matters,
oet thee about thy bufmefs, if thou haft any ; for
'’ll hear no more of thee.
[Exit Mercury from above.