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That which I never gave, nor ever came,
O there’s the rock, on which my reafon fplits:
Would that were all! I fear my honour, too l
I’ll try her once again: She may be mad:
A wretched remedy ; but all I have,
To keep me from defpair.
Msrc. [From the balcony, d[ide.~\ This is no i
very charitable a&ion of a god, to ufe him ill,
who has never offended me; but my planet dif-'
poles me to malice : and when we great perfona J
do but a little mifchief, the world has a good bar¬
gain of us.
Amp. How now ! what means the locki
Merc. Softly, friend, foftly : You knock as loud, r
and as fawcily, as a lord’s footman, that was fent ,1
before him, to warn the family of his honour’s vi-;;
fit. Sure you think the doors have no feeling!
What the devil are you, that rap with fuch au- r,i
Amp. Look out, and fee : ’tis I.
Merc. You: What you ?
Amp. No more, I fay, bur open.
Merc. I’ll know to whom firft t
Asnp. I am one that caii command the doors
Merc. Then you had befl: command ’em, and L
try whether they will obey you.
Amp. Doft thou not know me!
Merc. Prithee, how flxould 1 know thee? Doft !:
thou take me for a conjurer ?
Amp. What, is this midfummer-moon? Is all the t
world gone a madding ? Why Sofia !
Merc. That’s my name indeed: Didfl thou think :
I had forgot it!
Amp. Doft thou fee me?
Merc. Why, doft thou pretend to go invifible?
my doors, at this time of day ?
thority ?