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was rcprefented, were to carry me off, appeared upon ,
the flage, with a defign of furprifing me on the bed ;
of turf, where they thought I was afleep; but when !
they went to feize the king of Leon, they were very
much aftonifhed to find neither king nor knave.
The play was immediately interrupted; all the ac¬
tors were perplexed; feme called me, others fearched
for me; one hallowed, and another curfed me. The
Archbifliop perceiving the trouble and confufion that
reigned behind the feenes, afked what was the mat- ;
ter. A page, who adled the Graciofo of the piece,
hearing the prelate’s voice, came out and faid to his ;
Grace : “ My Lord, you need not fear that the Moors
“ will take the King of Leon prifoner; he has efca- j
r< ped with his royal robes.” “ Heaven be praifed! j
“ (cried the Archbifliop) he was very much in the !
“ right to fly from the enemies of our religion, and
“ efcape the chains which they had prepared for
“ him. He has, doubtlefs, returned towards Leon,
“ the capital of his kingdom; and I wifli he may
“ get home without meeting with any bad accident.
“ Let no man go in purfuit of him, for I fliould be
“ forty if his Majefty received any mortification
“ from me.” The prelate having fpoke in this man¬
ner, ordered my part to be read, and the play to go
The Jequel of Scipio’s hiHory.
AS long as my money lafted, the landlord treated
me with great refpefl; but no fooner did he
perceive that my finances were exhaurted, than he
looked cool upon me, picked a quarrel, and one