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Into my chamber, “ Scipio, (faid I) you fee me
ready to fet out for Valencia; I cannot make too
“ much hafte in going to falute the noblemen to
“ whom I -OV.X my fmall fortune ; every moment
“ that I delay to acquit myfelf of this duty, feems
to accufc me of ingratitude. As for thee, my
“ friend, I difpenfe with thy attendance; (lay here
; “ in my abfence, and I will come back to thee in
j “ eight days.” “ Go, Sir, (he replied) pay your re-
i “ fpedls to Don Alphonfo and his father, who feent
“ fo fenfible of your zeal, and grateful for the fer-
' “ vices you have done them; perfons of quality of
“ that character are fo rare that they cannot be too
“ much efteemed.” I ordered Bertrand to get ready
» for our departure ; and while he yoked the mules
I drank my chocolate; then I got into my chaife,
after having laid injunctions upon my people to re¬
gard my fecretary as my other fdf, and to follow his
orders as if they were my own.
I arrived at Valencia in lefs than four hours ; and
going ftraight to the governor’s (tables, there aligh¬
ted, left my equipage, and was conducted to the
, apartment of that nobleman, who was then with his
' father Don Caefar. I opened the door, and entering
without ceremony, accoded him in thefe words : “ It
“ does not become valets to fend in their names to
“ their mailers : here is one of your old fervants come
“ to pay his refpedts.” So faying, I would have
kneeled before them; but they hindered me from fo
doing, and embraced me, one after another, with all
the cxpreiEons of genuine affedtion. “ Well, my
“ dear Santillane, ((aid Don Alphonfo) have you
“ been at Lirias to take pofieffion of your eftate
“ Yes, Signior, (replied I) and I hope you will give
Vol. IV. D