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“ more than Bertrand, a cook, a fculLion, and lac-
“ quey.” Although my fecretary would not have
been lorry to live always at the expence-of the go¬
vernor of Valencia, he did not oppofe my delicacy
in this affair; but Conforming himfelf to my fenti-
ments, approved of the reform I intended to make.
This being determined, he left me, and retired into
bis own apartment.
He departs far Valencia, to vijit the noblemen of Leyva.
His converfation -with them., and the kind reception be
met with from Seraphina.
1 UNDRESSED, and went to bed; where feel¬
ing no inclination to fleep, I abandoned myfelf
to refle&ion. I reprefented to myfelf the friendfhip
with which the noblemen of Leyva repaid my at¬
tachment to them ; and, penetrated with thofe new
marks of their afTe&ion, refolved to go, the very
next day, and fatisfy the longing impatience I had
of feeing and thanking them for their favours. I
likewife enjoyed, by anticipation, the pleafure of
feeing Seraphiha again; but that pleafure was not
pure; I could not, without uncafinefs, confider, that
I mu ft, at the fame time, fupport the looks of Dame
Loren5a Sephora, who, perhaps, remembering the
adventure of the box on the ear, would not be over¬
joyed at fight of me. Fatigued with all thefe diffe¬
rent ideas, I at length fell afleep, and did not wake
till after fun-rife.
1 was foon a-foot; and, wholly engroffed by my
intended journey, drefled myfelf in a hurry. Juft
as I had done adjufting mylelf, my fecretary coming