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me to ptefent myfelf before the Cardinal: “ Perhaps
“ (faid he) his Eminence feeing you-out of prifon by
“ the King’s order, will think it unnecefiary to ap-
“fiear any longtr irritated againftyou, and take yoi< i
“ into his fervice again.” “ Mr Scipio, (anfwered :
“ I) you feem to have forgot that I obtained my li-
“ berty, on condition that 1 fhould quit the tw<J
“ Caftiles immediately. Befides, do you think me
“ already difgufted with my eaftle of Lirias ? I have*'
■“ told you once, and now repeat it, that if the Duke
“ of Lerma would reftore me to his good graces, ;
and even offer me the place of Don Rodrigo de
“ Calderona, I would refufe it. My refolution is.
“ taken. I will go in queft of my parents at Ovie* i
“ do, and retire with them to Valencia. As for!
thee, my friend, if thou repentefi of having joined i
K thy fortune to mine, fpeak; I am ready to give
“ thee -one half of my money, and thou mayefl flay
at Madrid, and puflr thy fortune as faras it will go."
“ How! (replied my fecretary, nettled at my i f
“ words) can you fufpetfl me of having any repug-1
■“ nance to follow you to your retreat ? my zeal and ;l
“ attachment are injured by your fufpicion. What lul
Scipio, that faithful fervant, who, to fhare your
“ afRidlion, would have willingly palled the remain-
<< der of his days with you in the tower of Segovia!
“ fliall he feel any regret in accompanying you
“ an abode that promifes him athoufand pleafures?
No, no, I have no defire of diffuading you froi
<* your refolution. I mud own I was a little mifc
u chievous, when 1 advifed you to fhew yourfelf
■“ to the Duke of Lerma : I wanted to found you-,
that I might know if fome feeds of ambition
■“ did not {till remain in your breaft. Well then,
fi»ce you are fo much detached from pomp and