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DIL BLAS of Santillane.
H A P. I.
feil Bias fets out for the Afturias ; pajfci through Valla-
'] dolid, -where he vifits his old majler doBor Sangrado, and
' meets, by accident, -with Signior Manuel Ordonncz,
| dtreBor of the hofpital.
| TT TT HI L E I was^getting ready for my de»
. parture from Madrid, with Scipio, on
▼ » my journey to the Afturias, Pope Paul
ihe fifth named the Duke of Lerma to the cardinal-
fhip. This Pope being dcfirons of dftablifiling the
inquilrtion in the kingdom of Naples, inverted that
ininifter with the purple, that he might engage him
io make King Philip confent to fuch a laudable de¬
ign. All thofe who were well acquainted with this
pew member of the facred college, thought, like me,
‘hat the church had made a fine acquifition.
! Scipio, who would rather have feen me in a bril¬
liant port at court, than buried in folitude, advifctl