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yesterday, and then up the same hill overlooking Loch
Drunkie—which really is nearly dry—and on down
the other side of the hill, as fast as we could go along
a rough but very pretty road, which brought us, over
perfumed pink heather interspersed with bracken, to
a spot where you get a lovely glimpse of Loch Achrqy
and Ben Venue. We then continued along a wood
past a few miserable cottages, but as private as if ]
were riding at Balmoral, out into the high road jusi
at the Brig of Turk, and stopped at what is called
“ Fergussoris Inn,” but is in fact the very poorest sorl
of Highland cottage. Here lives Mrs. Fergusson, ar
immensely fat woman and a well-known character
who is quite rich and well dressed, but will not leave
the place where she has lived all her life selling
whisky. She was brought out and seemed delightec
to see me, shaking hands with me and patting me
She walks with a crutch, and had to sit down. W<
only stopped a very few minutes, and then went hoirn
as fast as we came, and got back by one. But Brow)
and the other two men were as hot as the day W'
went up the Right, and it was indeed very hot. Ou
ride must have been eight miles altogether. My heat
still aching.
At three, after luncheon, we started just as yestei
day, and drove the same way as last Friday up th
Pass of Leny by Loch Lubnaig, Strathyre and th
King's House: here, instead of turning to the left t
Balquhidder, we went straight on for four miles, ti
we came to Loch Earn Head. It was a beautiful an
very hot afternoon. We stopped at the inn, which ■
quite a small place commanding a beautiful view <
Loch Earn, which was splendidly lit up, the loch dee