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Sunday, September 5.
A dull muggy morning. Decided not to go to
kirk, as it would have been very public. So at eleven
rode (on Sultan) with dear Beatrice (on her little
Beatrice) for an hour, first up at the back of the farm,
and then a little way on the beautiful pink heathery
and bracken hills just behind the house, and saw Loch
Drunkie almost dry from the drought, and looked over
to the Brig of Turk, then back by the stables to the
house. Read the collect, epistle, and gospel, and the
second lesson for the day, with the two girls, Beatrice
reading the last-named.
While we were at luncheon it rained, but it soon
ceased, and the afternoon became quite fine and was
very warm. At half-past five walked out with Louise,
Beatrice, and Jane Churchill, stopping at the lodge
where Mclsaacs, the keeper, and his wife live. Walked
some way on, and then drove with Beatrice round a
short way on the Trossachs Road, coming home at
half-past seven.
Monday, September 6.
Misty early, then beautiful and clear and very hot.
Got up with a bad headache. At five minutes to eleven
rode off with Beatrice, good Sharp going with us and
having occasional “collie-shangies” * with collies when
we came near cottages (A. Thomson and Kennedy fol¬
lowing). We rode out the same way we came back