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i» prepare for fatflh. 17? ^
... Sprinkle thy Soul with the Bloti of Jtfus thrift* :•
C'hrift is our Peace, as the ApoOecalls him, i. i+.
ieither canft thoufby all that thou art able to doj make thy
'eace with God, but only through Faith in his Blood. When
: he deftroying Angel fa w the Blood of the 1 amb fprinkled
in the Pods of any Door, he pafled by that Houfe, and they
vfthin were fafe, lacoi. 12. 23. So that Soul which is fprink-
led with the blood of JefusChrift,is fo fafe ftom the deftroy¬
ing Angel ofGod.that hie (hall not do it hurt; for Death is an
Advantage to that Soul which is fprinkled with the Blood of
Chrift : Tho’ the Blood of Chrift be the Means of our Peace
and Reconciliation with God,yet unlefs that Blood be fprink- j
led on thy Soul, thou cand find little peace there. And j
therefore the Apoflle Verer fpeaks not only pf tho Blood
of Ckrift, but of the /printing »f the Blooi tf ih/ij}^ 1 Pet.
1. a. It is *ot enough that Chnft hath fhed his Blood, buc
there mull be befides the Iheddiog of it, the fyrinkling of it.
Chrift’s Blood was fhpd upon the Crofs, yet all Men are not
/ecoaciled unto Ged tnereby.Whatisthe reafon J Surely he-
caufe that Blood is not fprinkled upon their Souls. For Peace
and Reconciliation with God muft he had, not only from
Chrift’s Blood poured out, but from his Blood Iprinkled.
Quell. How is ChriH's Blood fprinl^lid upon our Souls ?
vdn/w. Ey Faith applying the Blood of Chiiil to ourown
Soul's Comfort. Faith is the Hand of the Soul, and the Soul
by Faith puts her Hands into the Wounds of Chrift, takes
offhis Blood, and befprinklos herfelf therewith, applying
the Merits and Virtues thereof unto itfelf, whence came
Peace and Recppciliation with Cod.
Obje£t. /would willing}.) apply the Merits of Chrift‘i itath
and faj/ion unto myf If, ut Oh, I am coofcious of fo much
Vnworthinefs, feeing nothing in m\fe f why the Merity-of
Clfrrfi‘s l eatb fhould belong unto me, that 1 cannot, yea, I
dare not apply them unto myfelf.
oinfw. It is good to be confcious to thyfelf of ibine own
Unworthinefs, but not fo as to be kep. thereby from ap¬
plying of Chrift, and the Merits of his Death and Paflion
unto thy Comfort. And truly, if ih©u wouldeft cpnfider
that God refpefts his own Gbodnefs and net ours in the
offering of his Son 3 and that his Grace is every Way moll
free, this Conceit Of thine Unworthinefs, can be no juft
Plea aeaiuft’the applying of Chrift, with the Benefits of his
I Death and Paflion unto thine own Souls Comfort, It liould
I satief be »o*nc©uragemenc unto thee > beeaufe the jnoi<