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174 Dire ft ion i Jhemng how
of a fhort Prayer, and a few Words of ghoftly
Co«ofel,wcre enough to fend them to Heaven.
3. Labour to make, or rather to renew thy
Peace with God. For tho’ the mikiag of thyPeace
with God,ought not to be put off to thy Death-bed
yet mull it then be renewed in an efpeeial Man-
ner, as being the iaft Time of doing it. In order
thereunto, I. Lookbociinto thy former Courje of
Life, and call to mind the manifold Abet ration*
thereof, as the Vanity of thy Thoughts, how vain
dnd empty, how carnal and prophane they hava
been: As alfp the Unfavourinpfs of thy Words-
• and Speeiicej,haw Godlefs and Chriftlefs, yea,how
unprofitable they have been for the moft part : As
i alfo the Wickednefsof thine A<fiions. And in exa¬
mining thyfelf concerning thine Actions, call to«
mind, as thy finful 6mifiions and Commifiions^
fo likewifc thy finful M mner of performing holy*
Duties, ho v thy moft religious Services have hadC
a Mixture of fin in them. Likewife run over th®'||
feveral Stages of thy Life, and confider what fin*®
thou committedft in thy Childhood, what in thyil
youth, and what in thy riper Years,
And together with the Number of thy fins con-
• fider the aggravating circumftances of them, till 1
thou find thine Heart ia fome Meafure a£fe<5ted
with Grief and Sorrow for the fame: And then,
2. Confeft thy fins unto God in Prayer, fpread
them before him in a true and unfeigned Acknow¬
ledgment aad confeflion of them,freely fudging
and condemning thyfelf before Gad for th: fame,
3. EarneHly beg of him the "Pardon an/LForfive-' J
nefsof them,in and through the Merits p/^e/sml
Chrifl.For thou canft look for it only through U ,
111* free Grace and Mercy of God in Jefus Chi-ilL li
^ ' » Sorial^l: