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* I4 Dhsflicm for the worthy re'tivirg
G'xU and which do mr>fi g?ll thy Confcieqce, or
difgrace thy Profeffion, or are greateft Oc-
cafions of dulling thy Spirit: That thefe being
found out, they Kay be the more lamented) and
Pardon for them more earneftly drfired.
_ In examining thyfelf, it will be a good Help to
r*ea 1 fuch a Trearife a,? doth in particular fet out
* thefeveral hns againft the feyeralCommandmentr.
f For when by fuch a Treatife thou art fhewed,
f that fuch a Thing is a fin againfl fach a Com¬
mandment, thy Confeience wiil upon the read-'
| ing of fuch fins, tell thee, that therein thou haft
| finned. Having examined and fearched thine
r Heart throughly of all thy known fins, then
humble thyfelf before the Throne of Grace, in a
true and unsigned acknowledgement and Con-
fefli an of them, freely judging and condemning
I thyfelf before Cod, with a broken and contrite
That thy Confe/Tion maybe performed after a
right Manner,it mnft have thefe Properties.
1. It mud be particular andpffpecial fins. In
thy Confeflion thou muft defeend to fpecial and
par icufar fins. The prophaneft Wretch in the
World may in a general Manner confef* and fay,
I acknowledge myfelf to be a Sinner: But if thou
wi'it make a true Confeffioo of fin, thou mud lay
opei thy fins in.particular before God. And for
thine E icouragement thereunto, know, that the
more particular thou fhalt be in thy Gonfeflion,
the more Comfo’-t hou wilt find therein.
2. Thv Coafe/fion muft be, as particular in
refpjifi of fins, fo likewife full, in regard of the
ravatio 'S of them. Thus did Soviet in his
Confcflion of ttut fin of numbering hit Peoplej 2