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the horA's Supper.
11 as not fufBcient that you fpeak friendly and peace-
ably to yoar Enemies, butyoamuft like wife take
jj all Oocaiion* of doing them what good you can,
' which is true Chriflian Love and Charity;
, Having thus fpokcn largely to the firft Head
i j1 of Examination, namely, our Graces. I come now
d to the fecond, namely our fins, wherein 1 fliall
ft ftudy Brevity.
As it is the Duty of every Communicant to ex-
j| amine himfelf concerning his Graces, fo like wife
i concerning his fins; which are like thataccurfcd
1" Thing whereof God fpeaks to JoJhuah, ( Jofhuah
!7. 12. ^ They mud therefore be fearched out.
Yea, they are like the wild Gourd, that brought
Death into the Pot. If they be not fearched out3
and call away, they will turn the facramental
Brea land Wine into fpiritual Bane. He therefore
that covsreth h'u finj, jhall not pro/per; but who-
foconftff.tb and forfi kef b them, (ball have Mercy,
Prov. 28 < 13c.
It is faid of the Viper, that when (he goeth to
join with her Mate, Che cafteth out all her Poi-
fon. How much more oughtelt thou, when thou
gpeft to have Communion with thy heavenly
Spoufe the Lord JefiuChrift, call out thy fins,
which are a fpiritual Poifon, worfe than the Poi-
fon of any Viper ?
In this Examination, thou mud fearch after
thiue evil Thoughts, Words and Deeds; as af-
i ter thy fins of Omiflion and CommilTion, fo
after thy finful Manner of performing holy Ex-
ercifes; and efpecially after the fins thou haft
committed fince thy lad receiving the bleffed
Sacrament, and fuch as are mod agaieft the V
and Covenants that formerly thou maded