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jured friend, for he was once my friend
(addrefling himfelf to Annefly), will accept
of the memorial I have left him.—Give
me your hand, Sir; receive my forgive-
nefs for that wound which the arm of
Providence made me provoke from yours ;
and when you look on a parent’s and a
filler’s tomb, fpare the memory of him
whofe death lhall then have expiated the
wrongs he did you !”—Tears were the
only anfwer he received.—He paufed a
moment; then looking round with fome-
thing in his eye more elevated and fo-
lemn,tc I have now,” faid he, “ difcharged
the world ; mine has been called a life of
pleafure; had I breath, I could tell you
how falfe the title is; alas! I knew not
how to live. Merciful God ! I thank
thee—thou hall taught me how to die.”
At the dole of this difcourfe, his
ftrength, which he had exerted to the ut-