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he told him was his will. “To this/*
faid he, “ I would not have any of thofe
privy, who are interefted in its bequefts
and therefore I had it executed at the be¬
ginning of my illnefs, without their parti¬
cipation. You will find yourfelf, my dear
Harry, matter of my fortune, under a con¬
dition, which, I believe, you will not
efteem a hardfliip. Give me your hand;
let me join it to my Lucy’s ;—there !—
if Heaven receives the prayer of a peni¬
tent, it will pour its richeft blettings upon
“ There are a few provifions in that
paper, which Mr. Bolton, I know, will
find a pleafure in fulfilling. Of what I
have bequeathed to you, Mrs. Wiftanly,
the contentment you enjoy in your prefent
fituation makes you independent; but I
inrend it as an evidence of my confciouf-
nefs of your deferving.—My much in-
3 jured