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£2 TMi: IVfAN 6F the WORLD.
of Curiofity is at one time as bufy as its
ear is attentive at another, you may ere
this have heard of. That ancient build¬
ing to which the walk we are on,
will, in a few minutes, conducl us, was
formerly in the poflefllon of one, in whofe
bofom refided every gentle excellence that
adorns humanity j he, Mils Sindall,—
why (hould I blulh to tell it ?—in the for¬
did calculation of the world, his attach¬
ment was not enviable j the remembrance
of it, though it wrings my heart with
forrow, is yet my pride and my delight!
your feelings, Mifs Lucy, will underftand
this—*the dear youth left me executrix of
that philanthropy which death alone could
flop in its courfe. To difcharge this
truft, is the bufmefs of my lifej for I
hold myfelf bound to difcharge it.”
They had now reached the end of the
walk, where it opened into a little circle
furrounded with trees, and fenced by a